
Bírálati szakértők jelentkezését várja az EU

Az FP7 pályázatok bírálatához szakértőket keres az EU űrtudományi, közlekedési és technológiai területeken.

Az alábbi, az Európai Bizottságnak az MTA -hoz intézett levele részlete szerint a szakértő jelentkezőknek be kell regisztrálniuk a megadott CORDIS honlapon.

" After the launch of the Seventh Framework Programme, we are looking for high qualified Experts which will support the Commission services in the Evaluation process. The evaluations will take place this year between June and September.
The main fields are GMES and Space foundations. Please find herein enclosed the Space Work Programme for information.
It would be very helpful if you could indicate names of potential Experts from Hungary which could support us in the above fields (specially Space Science, Transportation and Technologies).
In order to be eligible, the experts have to register in the CORDIS database. I herein enclose the link.
https://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7/ "

Ugyanakkor a jelentkezőkkel kapcsolatban MTA és MÜI csatornáin keresztül ajánlást is adhatnak.

Tekintettel arra, hogy a Space fejezet súlyponti témája a GMES, ezért a MÜI felkérésére a HUNAGI főtitkára is lehetőséget kapott arra, hogy tapasztalt szakértőket javasoljon, akik vállalnának ilyen feladatot.

Dr. Both Előd igazgató úr kérésének megfelelően továbbítottam a csatolt felhívást mindazon
kollégáknak a HUNAGI közösségén belül, akik feltételezésem szerint rendelkeznek a munkavégzéshez szükséges szakmai tapasztalattal.

Ezúton is kérem a címzetteket, hogy a jelezzenek vissza (másolatban dr. Both Előd úrnak is), vállalnak-e ilyen feladatot, és ha igen, regisztrálják is magukat a megadott webcímen és/vagy tegyenek javaslatot arra, kinek jelentkezésére számíthatunk szakmai körükből, kit keressek meg még személy szerint .

Köszönettel, Remetey Gábor főtitkár HUNAGI hunagi@hunagi.hu
További információ:
Dr. Both Előd igazgató, MÜI both@hso.hu tel: +36-1-346-4884 www.hso.hu


The 6th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing

From our today's mailbox:
The 2nd International Workshop on High Performance Geo-computation and
Spatial Information Grid (HPG’07)

Urumchi, Xinjiang, China, August 16-18, 2007
to be held in conjunction with the
The 6th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2007)
1. Call for Papers
In recent years, the use of computation-intensive techniques for spatial data processing and analysis has grown into an important scientific field. High Performance Geo-computation is the application of computational science to Earth sciences. It applies computational resources to various types of Earth science data, information, and models for solving Earth science problems. It develops discipline-specific theories, algorithms, architectures, systems, supporting tools, and infrastructure within the overall context of computational science. The areas of application for Geo-Computation include, but are not limited to, spatial data analysis, dynamic modeling, simulation, space-time dynamics and visualization, virtual reality, and applications employing non-conventional data clustering and analysis techniques.
As one of the hottest topics in High Performance Geo-computation, Spatial Information Grid (SIG) applies grid techniques to Earth sciences and spatial information processing, and tries to provide a powerful and useful infrastructure for Earth scientists, researchers and application users. This workshop focuses on most of the topics in High Performance Geo-computation, especially in Spatial Information Grid and its applications.
The 1st HPG was successfully held in Changsha, China in 2006. The 2nd International Workshop on High Performance Geo-computation and Spatial Information Grid (HPG’07) will continuously provide a forum for examining the state of the art of High Performance Geo-computation and especially the new development of Spatial Information Grid. It also provides a venue for scientists to network with their peers working in similar fields.
2. Topics:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
l Spatial information grid theories and technologies
l Cooperative computing of spatial information
l Intelligent data processing and decision making
l Spatial data mining and analysis
l Knowledge discovery in physical and human geography
l High performance spatial data processing
l Algorithms on spatial data processing
l Parallel and distributed GIS
l Online Spatial Decision Support System
l Integration of Earth observation technologies and GIS
l Technologies and standards for Interoperability in GIS and Geographic data interchange
l GroupWare and GIS Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW)
l Applications of High Performance Geo-computation and Spatial Information Grid
3. Submission Requirements
Papers submitted to the workshop should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers must be written in English, and the length of the papers should be no more than 10 pages in the standard IEEE single column format. (Formatting instructions available on:
ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/Instruct6x9.pdf). Please email your manuscripts in PDF to huangzc@tsinghua.edu.cn with the email subject as “HPG’07 paper submission”. Submission of a paper will be considered an agreement that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register for GCC2007 and attend the workshop to present the work.
4. Publication of Papers
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings together with other GCC2007 workshops published by IEEE Computer Society (pending).
5. Important Dates
Deadline for Paper Submission: April 15, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: May 13, 2007
Camera Ready Copies: May 27, 2007
6. Workshop Co-Chairs
Dingsheng Liu China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Carol Song Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, Purdue University, US
Kussul Nataliya Nikolayevna
National Academy of Science of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine
Yong Xue London Metropolitan University, UK
7. Program Committee*
Carol Song Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, Purdue University, US
Chenghu Zhou Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, China
Dingsheng Liu China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Guoqing Li Key Lab, RSGS, CAS / ESRIN, ESA
Jianya Gong School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University,
Kussul Nataliya Nikolayevna
National Academy of Science of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine
Liping Di School of Computational Science, George Mason University, USA
Xu Zhang Research Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China
Yu Fang Institute of Digital China Research, Peking University, China
Zhenchun Huang Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, China
*Confirmed to date