
Kultúrális Atlasz Kezdeményezés Jelentése

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Az ECAI igazgatójának ma érkezett jelentése (HUNAGI és tagintézményei három fővel vannak képviselve a globális programban: ELTE TGT, NymE GK, MTA TTI, HUNAGI):
"ECAI Directors' Report
February 2009


ECAI Meetings with CAA, March 22-26, 2009, Williamsburg, Virginia
ECAI’s Spring 2009 Meeting will be held in conjunction with CAA (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archeology) on March 22-26, 2009, Williamsburg, VA, USA, with the theme “making history interactive.” The conference website: http://www.caa2009.org.

The Third International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology, August 17-21, 2009, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
The Third International Conference will be organized jointly by ECAI, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, the University of California), Merced and Berkeley, theUniversity of Siena (Italy) and the REACH Foundation, Chennai. http://www.spacetimeplace2009.org

The conference will discuss a wide range of perspectives, approaches and issues on the use of remote sensing and digital technologies in documenting, analyzing and interpreting archaeological and anthropological contexts. Innovative contributions, case studies, research projects and posters are invited on Digital Cultural Atlases (projects and prototypes) and cultural atlas components (gazetteers, time-periods, biography and social networks, thesauri, technical infrastructure, content sources and display models) and many related topics.

Important date: Send Abstract (max 500 words) to cliuzza@ucmerced.edu by 28th, February, 2009.
See http://www.spacetimeplace2009.org for details.


ECAI Sanskrit Working Group (ESWG)
The ECAI Sanskrit Working Group (ESWG) was constituted in 2008, with a goal of increasing the quantity, uniformity, utility, and longevity of Sanskrit and other Indic texts on the Web. (For the detailed mission statement, see the ESWG web site http://www.ecai.org/sanskritworkinggroup/indexst.html) To date the ESWG has initiated two projects: creation of a test bed for developing
standards, tools, and technologies for the storage, retrieval, and analysis of Sanskrit and other Indic language documents; and development of a model for connecting distributed repositories of documents in Sanskrit and other languages.

A progress report on the first of these projects was delivered at the 2008 PNC/ECAI Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam. Powerpoint slides with presenter notes are available at
and the test bed application itself can be found at http://metaphor.ischool.berkeley.edu:8080/SDR/. The Working Group is currently focusing on the second project and will present a progress
report in the second quarter of 2009.

Ralph Moon, Chair, ESWG, rmoon@berkeley.edu/

The International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing (formerly Journal of History and Computing) is published by Edinburgh University Press with ECAI’s support. Vol 1, no. 2, recently issued, includes “Creating a landscape of memory: The potential of Humanities GIS,” by David J. Bodenhamer, “Fusing time and space: The Historical Information system HGIS Germany” by Andreas Kunz, and four other articles.
See http://www.eupjournals.com/journal/ijhac


Michael Buckland presented a paper summarizing ECAI’s projects “Bringing Lives to Light: Biography in Context” < http://ecai.org/imls2006 > and “Context and Relationships: Ireland and Irish Studies” < http://ecai.org/neh2007 > at the School of Library and Infomation Science of the University of South Florida on Feb 3.

Lewis Lancaster has presented papers at:
- University of Auckland, New Zealand “Buddhist Texts and Digital Technology”
- University of the West, Los Angeles “Chinese Buddhist Studies”
- EFEO Workshop, Siem Reap, Cambodia “Digital Archive Strategies”
- TELDAP Conference, Academia Sinica, Taiwan “Archive as Event.”

Jeanette Zerneke gave a paper at the Workshop on Tools and Techniques for Understanding Historical Processes at the University of Richmond, Virginia.

Past ECAI Directors’ Reports are available at
http://ecai.org/about/directorsRpts.html "

További kutatási
More on AGILE: www.agile-online.org
More on EuroSDR: www.eurosdr.org
More on ECAI: http://ecai.org
More on NKTH: www.nkth.gov.hu

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