
Adatmenedzsment - friss amerikai oktatási tananyag a Nemzeti Tudományos Alapítvány támogatásával

Dr. Kate Lance (Yaale Egyetem) adta közre ma a GSDI jogi és társadalmi-gazdasági szakbizottsága levelező rovatában:
New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum
NECDMC is an instructional tool for teaching data management best practices to undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers in the health sciences, sciences, and engineering disciplines. Each of the curriculum’s six online instructional modules aligns with the U.S. National Science Foundation’s data management plan recommendations and addresses universal data management challenges. Included in the curriculum is a collection of actual research cases that provides a discipline specific context to the content of the instructional modules. These cases come from a range of research settings such as clinical research, biomedical labs, an engineering project, and a qualitative behavioral health study. Additional research cases will be added to the collection on an ongoing basis. Each of the modules can be taught as a stand-alone class or as part of a series of classes. Instructors are welcome to customize the content of the instructional modules to meet the learning needs of their students and the policies and resources at their institutions.
Module 1: Overview of Research Data Management
Module 2: Types, Formats, and Stages of Data
Module 3: Contextual Details Needed to Make Data Meaningful to Others
Module 4: Data Storage, Backup, and Security
Module 5: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Research Data
Module 6: Data Sharing & Reuse Policies
Module 7: Archiving and Preservation (In Progress)
Legal-Socioecon mailing list


120 Diplomaterv és szakdolgozat angol és spanyol nyelven

Mai postánkból Dr. Mabel Alvarez jóvoltából hívhatju fel a figyelmet a következő forráshelyre:
"The document(s) 120 Theses, related to geospatial information, has been developed by the International Geospatial Society –IGS, www.igeoss.org.
The first version(s) of the document(s) "120 Theses", listing published and accessible (downloadable) MSc and PhD theses, are now available in the GSDI Geographic Information Knowledge Network (GIKnet). One document (31 pages) covers 57 theses in English, and the other covers 63 theses published in Spanish (208 pages). The Spanish document includes full abstracts of all theses, plus download links. The English document includes abstracts for some theses (not all) plus direct download links or links to the university or research institute sites from which the documents can be accessed.

To download the documents from the links below, you must be a registered user of the GIKnet. Registration is free and readers are encouraged to register at: http://www.giknet.org/join.php
If already a member or having joined GIKnet, after signing in, you can access the documents from these links:


Kondorosi Éva akadémikus az Európai Kutatási Tanács magyar tagja

European Research Council testület 22 fős Tudományos Tanácsa 8 frissen választott tagjai között van Kondorosi Éva az MTA levelező tagja, az MTA Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont tudományos munkatársa, az Egyesült Államok Tudományos Akadémiájának külföldi tagja is. A Tudományos Tanács az ERC stratégiai kérdéseivel foglalkozik homloktérben az innovatív kutatások elősegítése áll. Az ERC mind a fiatal, mind a befutott kutatókat ösztöndíjjakkal támogatja
Forrás: MTA honlap


Tudományos ismeretek feltárásának jövője nyílt hálózatok környezetében

Paul F. Uhlir at the 23rd CODATA Conference in Taipei. Photo: HUNAGI, 2012

Mai postánkból. Az ICSU CODATA csatornán érkezett:
"Dear Colleagues: 
 On behalf of the National Research Council, I am pleased to transmit to you the report:  The Future of Scientific Knowledge Discovery in Open Networked Environments: A National Workshop. It is available freely at: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=18258 on the websites of the National Academies Press and the Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI).
BRDI held a national workshop on this topic in Washington, DC on 10-11 March 2011 to bring together key stakeholders in this area for intensive and structured discussions. The meeting explored options to obtain and promote a better understanding of the computer-mediated scientific knowledge discovery processes and mechanisms for openly available data and information online across the scientific domains. The workshop resulted in a report that synthesizes the contributions of the experts, and presents an authoritative and high-level review of the most promising and effective research opportunities in this area.
Copies of the report may be ordered through the National Academy Press (http://www.nap.edu). Please feel free to re-disseminate this information to your contacts.
                                                                           Sincerely yours,
                                                                           Paul F. Uhlir
                                                                           Board on Research Data and Information"


Kutatási célú robotrepülőgépes adatgyűjtés viharfelhőzetben

A Tolna megyei viharkárok ráirányítják a figyelmet a robotrepülőgépes légitávérzékeléssel kapcsolatos kutatás-fejlesztésre.  A robotrepülőgép és a komplex sokérzékelős távérzékelési rendszerek viharzónák felhőzete vizsgálatára történő felhasználása hozzájárulhat a szupercellák kialakulásának jobb megértéséhez, a védekezés hatékonyságának növeléséhez. A NASA Echo rendszeréből hozzáférhetőek az ACES projekt mérési adatai is. A WGISS munkacsoportjától érkezett mai hír leírja az ACES projekt lényegét:
ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was Based at the Naval Air
Facility Key West in Florida. ACES researchers in August 2002 conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, it allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm from it's birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely, and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data collected from seven instruments: the Slow/Fast antenna, Electric Field Mill, Dual Optical Pulse Sensor, Searchcoil magnetometer, Accelerometers, Gerdien Conductivity Prove, and the Fluxgate Magnetometer. Data consists of  sensor reads at 50HZ throughout the flight from all 64 channels." Ha érdeklik a hozzáférés részletei, írjon: hunagi@hunagi.hu


EuroSDR e-learning tanfolyamok 2012 márciustól. Most jelentkezzen!

Mai postánkból.: 

"Dear Colleagues
Please register now for the 2012 series of elearning courses offered by EuroSDR from March 2012.
The courses:
Terrestrial Reference Frames: application to the realisation of the European Reference System (ETRS89)
Hosted by: Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographiques, Paris.
3D data in Urban Environments
Hosted by: IGN France
Open Standards & Open Source WebMapping
Hosted by: ITC University of Twente, Netherlands
Radiometric performance of Digital Photogrammetric Cameras and Laser Scanners
Hosted by: Finnish Geodetic Institute and TU Vienna
Preparations are well underway for this 2012 series of short distance e-learning courses from EuroSDR. They will begin with a two-day pre-course seminar, hosted by the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Bolton Street, Dublin, Ireland from 12th to 13th March 2012.
For further details, please check the webpages:
EuroSDR secretariat
Public Management Institute - Catholic University of Leuven
Parkstraat 45 bus 3609 – 3000 Leuven, BELGIUM
Látogatásra ajánlott honlapok:
AGILE: www.agile-online.org EuroSDR: www.eurosdr.org 
Nemzeti Innovációs Hivatal: www.nkth.gov.hu