
Cikkeket várnak "data-intensive geospatial computing" témakörben

Mai postánkból. Ludo Engelen továbbította az alábbi figyelemfelhívást a Leuveni Katolikus Egyetemről:
"Call for Papers
A special issue on data-intensive geospatial computing with International Journal of Geographical Information Science

Data-intensive computing has been emerging as a fourth scientific paradigm from the mainstream computer science. In terms of the techniques and technologies involved, this fourth paradigm is fundamentally distinct from the third one called computational science focusing on simulating complex phenomena or processes since the invention of computers. The massive data volume and ever increasing computing power in the twenty-first century will dramatically change the ways of doing science and scholarly communications. We believe therefore that this emerging new paradigm has profound implications to geographic information science and various applications to environment and urban systems. CyberGIS is an emerging phenomenon where geographic information systems or science (GIS) meets cyberinfrastructure for data-intensive geospatial computing. Many unsolvable problems with environmental and urban systems can be well studied using the continuously increasing geospatial data, collected through massively deployed positioning technologies, sensor networks and voluntary contributions by individuals, and ever increasing computing power of personal computers, higher performance computers, and emerging grid/cloud computing facilities. This special issue of International Journal of Geographical Information Science is seeking original unpublished papers that describe recent advances and efforts in data-intensive geospatial computing, with particular applications to environment and urban systems.

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):
•           Intensively computing volunteered geographic information for geographic knowledge discovery
•           Grid/cloud computing geographic data for unsolvable or hard-to-solve GIS problems
•           Massive agent-based simulation of nonlinear geographic phenomena and processes
•           Analyzing large-scale geosensor networks data for monitoring environment and urban systems
•           Deployment and development of web mapping processing services for various applications

All manuscripts including any support material should be submitted using the journal's online Manuscript Central facility (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijgis). We encourage authors to consider this option of support materials archiving of data and video clips, which is a distinguished feature of this special issue. Authors must select “Special Issue” while they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process, and identify the “data-intensive geospatial computing” special issue in their cover letter. First-time users must register themselves as Author.

Important dates:
Paper submission due: 30 September 2010
Acceptance notification: 31 January 2010
Publication of the issue: 30 April 2011

Guest editor:
Bin Jiang, Department of Technology and Built Environment, University of Gävle, Sweden
Ludo Engelen
SADL, K.U.Leuven
(Spatial Applications Division Leuven)
Celestijnenlaan 200 E
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32 -16-32 97 32 Fax: 032-16-32 97 24 ludo.engelen@sadl.kuleuven.be 